Editor’s Note 2022 PSQ Nation Vol 1 Issue 1

While organizations around the world continue with the efforts for CQI (that is continuous quality improvement), PSQ Nation maintains its own CQI, too, which stands for collating quality inspirations. Its maiden issue released last December 2021 offered to us interesting topics from our valuable contributors and endearing narratives of our featured personalities. This second issue is no different.

PSQ Nation, as Philippine Society for Quality’s digital magazine, celebrates its success by keeping up the now-established tradition of sharing strategies and stories worthy to be immortalized on pages and shared with the nation—and the world. And what better way to continue this streak than feature a company that has maintained its tradition of quality to reach its milestones?

In this issue, we explore the secrets and the behind-the-scenes records of Toyota Motor Philippines (TMP) in their journey toward the Philippine Quality Award (PQA). We were already fortunate to have them sharing their stories during the 2022 First Quarter General Membership Meeting and Ugnayan Benchmarking activity last March 25, 2022, but having their stories here makes it even more monumental. They are more than generous to share why they pursued the quality initiatives, how they did it, who were involved, and where they will go after achieving great heights. For sure, you will be in awe and feel elated as I was as you read through their stories.

To all of you, thank you for your patronage to PSQ and to PSQ Nation. May you find inspiration from this humble print so you could leap bounds in your quality journeys!

