What We Offer

Benefits of PSQ Members

  • Professional growth and development.
  • Access to latest developments and trends in quality.
  • Increased network with local and international quality organization.
  • Increased network with other quality practitioners, advocates and experts.

We offer the following programs and activities

  • Organize quality dialogues and symposia, seminars and training programs.
  • Organize the annual National Quality Forum (NQF).
  • Establish linkage with government agencies in promoting quality practices.
  • Administer the Philippine Quality Award (PQA) for the Private Sector in coordination with the Award Manager (DTI-CIC) and the administrator for the Public Sector (DAP).
  • Operations Management Certification program with the Singapore Institute of Multidisciplinary Professions (SIMP)
  • Coordinate sharing of best practices among its member companies through the Ugnayan or featuring excellent practices in General Membership Meetings.
  • Disseminate quality information and updates through the PSQ Website and social media sites.